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Jailbreak Your Tractor

Kubota Increase Hydraulic Pressure Adjustment Shims for Kubota BX B L +25% Power

Regular price $51.00 CAD
Regular price $73.00 CAD Sale price $51.00 CAD
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Kit includes full color instructions with pictures, plus 3X Genuine Kubota Shims Increase the Hydraulic Pressure of your tractor! Adjustment Kit for Kubota BX, TLB, B and L Series and many other Kubota models....


Does your tractor lack power? Does your Backhoe bog down? Does the scoop strain to lift a bucket of rocks? These adjustment shims will help bump up the pressure and bring back the muscle to your machine.


Most models ship with the pressure much lower than spec and dealers rarely check and adjust the hydraulic pressure before delivery. Also, springs and valves naturally wear over time and your pressure may suffer because of this. It is a good idea to check your pressure annually to see if adjustments are needed.


This listing is intended for those who already have a pressure gauge, or someone who is going to assemble their own gauge. It is VERY important that you do not exceed the maximum hydraulic P.S.I for your machine (use google to find the number).


We typically see about a 25% per increase over factory when these shims are applied correctly. You may need all 3 shims, or just one or all depends on where your tractor is to begin with.


The sizes included in the kit are 0.1 0.2 and 0.4 ...We also have kits available with a pressure gauge (see my other listings). We recommend this modification be done by experienced professionals and assume no liability whatsoever for the use of these shims. Instructions are included.


NEED THE FULL KIT WITH THE GAUGE?.... Please see my other listings... Thanks for looking!